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Photos from 2002

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Julie says that with her new beard, Liralyn looks just like Daddy.


Liralyn likes playing in Aunt Melissa's old bedroom. Daddy and Aunt Melissa used to eat dinner at this table.

Hi Aunt Melissa

Mommy and Liralyn both dressed up for Halloween this year.


And then Liralyn had her bath at Grandma Larke's house.

Wait for me to pose!

The Chelsea parade and fair were about as much fun as a Liralyn can stand.

When will they throw candy again, Mommy? Wheeee! She looks just like Julie when she drives. She did let go of the pole during the ride, and that was
even more fun.

I myself find the idea of psychedelic bears vaguely disconcerting, but mixing paint and bears sounds like a perfect recipe for Lira-happiness.

Paddington he's not.

Ordinarily, if you said, "bear of justice", I'd think about Mer.

Curiously unthreatening

Ah, the life... wear the glamorous clothes, and sit comfortably in back while your personal driver takes you where you want to go.

Why don't we have tinted windows?

Meet your future ruler. (Taken June and July, 2002)

Bow before me! And swear allegiance to the crown! It's only logical that her flag would be a balloon

When Aunt Kelly was in France, she bought Liralyn a very pretty dress. (July 2002)

Liralyn's French dress It was a very hot day But she still looked glamorous in her new sunglasses

The pinata hung ominously overhead. OK, it actually didn't seem ominous at the time, but that was before we knew just how hard it would be to get the candy out. (July 2002)

Wack, wack, wack

Liralyn's friend Kayla came to her birthday party, which is the first time she's specifically invited a friend of her own generation. Kayla seemed to have a pretty good time. (July 2002)

Kayla gets in the picture while Liralyn unwraps

Big girls get to help Mommy in the kitchen. (June 2002)

Liralyn and Mommy in the kitchen

Liralyn still has a really good time playing in the sandbox. (June 2002)

Liralyn in the sandbox

Liralyn doesn't always like being photographed...

Pthbbt aaahhhhh

But she does like to pretend to take naps.


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